Volunteering at Kitchigami Regional Library
Interested in volunteering at your local KRL branch library?
- Do you value the library and want to communicate that to the rest of the community?
- Do you have time to contribute on a regular schedule for 3 months or more to activities at the library that supplement and enhance its services?
- Do you have a special skill or ability that would help the library with a special project?
Then the library has volunteer opportunities for you!
Special Category Volunteers:
- High school students and Community Service Hours:
The library welcomes high school volunteers over the age of 14, with parental/guardian approval. These placements are subject to the needs of the particular branch library and there may be a waiting list. Once accepted as a library volunteer, a student must maintain a regular weekly commitment of 1 to 3 hours over a minimum period of three months. Willingness to follow directions and to work conscientiously with minimal supervision are both essential. All applicants will not necessarily be accepted.
Why volunteers?
- Volunteers bring great ideas and skills to our programs
- Volunteers partners with library staff and local library committees to bring the best possible library service to the community
- Volunteers increase the productivity and efficiency of paid employees
- Volunteers extend the library’s sphere of contacts with individuals, businesses and organizations in the community
- Volunteers connect KRL to the communities it serves
Who to Contact about Volunteering
If you are interested in volunteering at KRL, or would like further information, please
- Drop by your local branch library and ask for a Volunteer Application Form, or
- Phone your local branch library and ask to speak to the Manager
Contact info can be found on the separate library branch pages or by going to the contact us page