Kitchigami Regional Library System

Serving 5 Minnesota counties: Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, Hubbard, and Wadena KRLS empowers libraries to enrich their communities.

Digital Library Services

Experience the benefits of your library without even needing to go to your local branch.

Find good books to read, and movies to watch. View magazines, listen to audiobooks, and find more all from the comfort of your home!

If you need assistance using any of these services, please contact us.


News, magazines, ebooks, and more

Cloud Library

Downloadable ebooks & audiobooks

Flipster Magazines

Online collection of digital magazines

Ebooks MN



Movies, music, ebooks, and more

Digital Library Guides and Instructions

ELM How-To Guides

Check out the collection of instructional materials on the ELM databases created by librarians in the Reference Outreach and Instruction unit of Minitex. These fact sheets, short videos, activities, and recorded webinars can be viewed and used on demand, whenever they’re needed. Permission is granted to share, modify, and use all materials on this site with proper attribution.