Senior Advice
comprehensive information on assisted living and financial support for Minnesota seniors.
OCLC FirstSearch service, connecting you to information in a wide range of subjects in 13 databases.
Science Reference Center (ELM)
research database providing easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content.
Regional Business News (ELM)
access to regional business newspapers.
ProQuest Newsstand Complete (ELM)
access to over 350 full-text newspapers enabling users to search the latest news from around the world.
Professional Development Collection (ELM)
children’s health and development to cutting-edge pedagogical theory and practice.
Primary Search (ELM)
for elementary school libraries and contains full text popular, elementary school magazines.
Points of View Reference Center (ELM)
Find articles and other resources designed to provide multiple sides of a current issue.
Minnesota Reflections
A Minnesota Digital Library project offering resources on Minnesota’s history and geography. **
Middle Search Plus (ELM)
full-text popular, middle school magazines, in addition to thousands of biographies and historical essays.